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WonderFox DVD Video Converter 4.7.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — WonderFox DVD Video Converter 4.7.1

WonderFox DVD Video Converter provides the easiest solution to convert DVD and video files!
avaliação do usuário: 683 Deixe um comentário

WonderFox DVD Video Converter 4.7.1 esteve disponível como oferta em 12 de outubro de 2013

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Uma suíte de limpeza e ajuste do sistema para janelas.

WonderFox DVD Video Converter é um programa de backup de discos de DVD, um downloader de vídeos online, um player de DVD/Video, um editor e um conversor de áudio. Ele permite que você converta vídeos de DVD para qualquer formato de HD/SD.

Ele permite que você faça o download de vídeos do YouTube, Facebook, vimeo, liveleak e outros websites populares. Além disso, há um player de vídeo embutido que você pode usar para reproduzir quase todos os tipos de arquivos de vídeo.

Principais recursos:

  • Converta DVD/Vídeo com rapidez para formatos populares de vídeo e dispositivos móveis. (mais de 100 formatos de vídeo);
  • Downloader de Vídeos Online – Faça o download de vídeos do YouTube, Facebook, vimeo, liveleak, metacafe, etc.;
  • Tecnologia exclusiva de codificação que oferece uma conversão 30x a 50x mais rápida. Suporte à conversão em série;
  • Editor de Vídeo - Funda, Corte, Redomensione e Insira efeitos especiais no Vídeo Video Editor;
  • Video Player – reproduza todos os tipos de discos de DVD ou outros tipos de arquivos;
  • Extraia áudio ou capture screenshots de DVD/Video.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows NT4/ 2000/ 2003/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; 1 GHz Intel or AMD CPU; Free Hard Disk Space: 50 MB or more; RAM: 512 MB or above

Publicado por:

WonderFox Soft Inc

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

24.4 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Developed by VSO Software
View the feedback from multiple IP cameras.
Edit multiple video files to create custom presentations.

Comentáriosrios do WonderFox DVD Video Converter 4.7.1

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Melhores comentários em inglês

Simple instructions for you to 100% successfully use the product.
Step 1. Download Zip package from GOTD
Step 2. Unzip the Package and run setup.exe to install the software.
Step 3. Use the registration code to register.
Step 4. After successful register the product, visist the link below to consult the details of product instructions.

What's New On V4.7.1:
Fixed a few bugs in former version and improved the performance of video conversion.

If there happen any problems during using WonderFox DVD Video Converter, please feel free to contact Your feedbacks are very helpful for us to improve the product and we will send you a license code as a reward. With the license code, you can enjoy life-time free upgrade service.

WonderFox  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+119)

Excellent tool today!

VIDEO CONVERTER (fast and accurate) + VIDEO EDITOR (basic but efficient) + VIDEO DOWNLOADER & VIDEO PLAYER with the ability to extract AUDIO from video.

All of this goodness with an amazing 24 MB in size....simply unbelievable!!

The CONS pointed out by Ashraf are not crucial in my view.

Congratulation to the developer of this GEM ==> Great JOB man!!

3 THUMBS UP from me!!

BEST FREE ALTERNATIVES (some of them are even BETTER and more complete than this GAOTD)

Video Converters:

* Portable XMedia Recode

* (Portable) Video to Video Converter

* (Portable) TEncoder (==> Cool Giovanni's new entry)


* VideoPad
Can add over 50 visual and transition effects on videos captured from any camrecorder/webcam out there, with the ability to burn your movies to DVD for playback on TV and/or to create professional HD videos for YouTube and portable devices (PSP, iPod, iPhone or 3GP mobile phones).Supports drag & drop video clips, 3D video editing as well as 2D to 3D stereoscopic conversion.

* ivsEdits Le (==> SuperCool Italian App)


· CPU: Quad/Six Core Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i7
· GPU: ATI/AMD Radeon HD6850-6950-7770-78X0-79X0 or Nvidia GTS250, GTX265, 275, 285, 470, 480, 570, 580, 670, 680, etc.
· System Memory: 6GB or higher.
· Microsoft DirectX June 2010 Update
· Apple QuickTime player 7.71 or higher

* Lightworks
Probably the fastest and most accessible VIDEO EDITOR on the market with an incredible Timeline and video format support out there.




Wanna extract for FREE any AUDIO tracks from VIDEOS containing multiple audio tracks (AVI, MPEG, MPG, FLV, DAT, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP) for playback on iPod or MP3 players without loss of sound quality?


Super Enjoy!!!!!!

Giovanni (Nothing is FREE in this world?? Whi  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+107)

*Rip DVDs (with support for DRM protection bypass), convert videos, and download videos
*Supports basic edits before conversion
*Allows customization of output settings
*Supports batch processing
*Well designed interface

*No offline Help documentation
*Only supports DVD discs -- no support for DVD folder or ISO as input
*Doesn't support drag + drop

Free Alternatives
Review of best free DVD ripper for Windows
Review of best free video converters for Windows
EagleGet (video downloader)

Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review

Ashraf from dotTech  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+86)

The Wonderfox DVD Video Converter seems to be the usual ffmpeg-based converter, though you might want to give it a try as it **may** use one of the later versions of ffmpeg [the recent ffmpeg v.2 I think had a lot of improvements]... the files don't have version numbers, so that's solely a guess based on files I didn't see in the program's folder. Since it's one of those companies making impossible claims [0 quality loss etc.], I don't accept their ad copy at face value -- when it comes to their Smart Fit for example, you'll just have to try it & see what works well, & what doesn't. Being essentially a portable app, trying it out is pretty much risk free & painless.

Please Note... Unlike the majority of these converters it doesn't use the QT code, so stuff like re-sizing may be better/worse or faster/slower than what you're used to. DivX is proprietary code, & not included/installed with the Wonderfox DVD Video Converter -- like most of these converters Xvid is used instead & just called DivX. Xvid is comparable to DivX several versions ago, would work in pace of DivX for stuff like compatible DVD players etc., but as they say: "That was then and this is now." If you want real DivX you have to install DivX, & then either use their encoding software or an app that'll use the DivX you've installed.


FWIW and all that, these converters are typically good for converting video to use on a tablet/cell/media player device, where the electronics is usually optimized for AVC playback. If you have subs you'd like to include from a DVD or Blu-Ray, they'll often offer the option for hard subs, that is the subtitle's overlaid permanently on the video with no way to turn subs on/off -- however subtitles may be harder to read vs. having the player, e.g. VLC display them. For switchable subs Nero Recode can embed DVD subtitles in the AVC output file, though it's more common to use something like the recommended free Subtitle Edit to OCR DVD/Blu-Ray subs to a .srt file -- CCExtractor does the same thing for embedded CC or TT usually from a broadcast recording -- & many players [including those that come with many Android cells/tablets] will display those .srt subs as long as they're stored next to the video file & have the same name [not filename extension].

If your source is DVD or recorded from a standard broadcast it's not recommended to up-size -- let the player do it [it will probably be better at it anyway]. Blu-Ray &/or other HD video can be downsized of course -- you can reduce the bit rate [add more compression] to reduce file size & make it easier to play, &/or reduce the frame size to std 1440 x 1080 or 720p and still have a better, HD picture than the DVD/broadcast standard. If your source is on-line video, e.g. YouTube, as possible don't mess with it -- there are tools like FLV Extract to strip the audio/video so you can stick it in a new container [e.g. .mp4] as you like or need.

Be very aware of potential aspect ratio problems... Blu-Ray isn't too bad as it'll most always be 1080p square pixel -- IOW what you see is what you get. HD broadcast can vary, while 16:9 DVDs [that's most DVDs] are anamorphic, meaning they store the wide screen frame at a std 720 pixel width, and both DVD & standard TV broadcast at 720 width aren't displayed at 720 width at all -- correctly displayed on a PC/laptop they're much closer to 640 x 480 NTSC [software DVD players typically stretch the frame height to maintain proper aspect]. And it's not just the source you have to worry about -- formats like AVC & .wmv also support non-square pixel aspect ratios, where the true frame size isn't what's stored. This stuff can drive your cell or tablet nuts. Run short tests, converting / encoding just a few minutes of video, test the results where you'll be playing the video [e.g. on your cell/tablet], & basically adjust adjust frame sizes as necessary so it looks right.

Note that the AVC video format or encoder has lots of options that can be used to make the picture look better, & that not all of those options are supported at every frame size by every tablet, cell, or media player box. My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7 for example will not handle HD video with the standard [i.e. most often used] AVC options, but it will handle 720 width video using those options just fine. To keep things simple most of these converters only give you access to the barest minimum of encoder settings -- if you need more use one of the free x264 encoder front ends available for example at, or just use x264 from the command line [x264 is the AVC encoder these converters use, as it's included in ffmpeg].

mike  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+39)

I must agree with Ashraf it has a good interface and is easy-to-use, also the speed of conversion was good, it should be it was taking 100% of my 4 core CPU’s cycles.
The quality of conversion was good and a point some people complain about, that is if conversion is cancelled it does not remove the partial conversion.
I like this because it's a good way to check if conversion is as you want it without having to convert it all.

Unfortunately, I did hit a snag as whatever I converted had no audio on any of the settings.
This was checked with different players and an analysis of the video showed there was no audiophile included in it.
This I'm pretty sure is a system fault, possibly a left over from yesterday's download.
I'll be sorry if I'm not able to get this to function properly, if I can I will keep it.

Certainly worth downloading and giving it a trial in my opinion.

XP-Man  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+36)

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