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Data Protecto 2.1.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Data Protecto 2.1.2

Data Protecto is a useful application for users who need to protect their folders and files.
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Data Protecto 2.1.2 esteve disponível como oferta em 19 de maio de 2014

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Converta áudio em texto.

Data Protecto é o software de criptografia de arquivos que também contem o Serviço de Armazenamento na Nuvem mais seguro com Compartilhamento de Arquivos Criptografados entre os seus amigos. O Data Protecto possui 9 dos recursos mais avançados de proteção de dados para que os usuários protejam os seus arquivos, pastas, drives e aplicativos de acessos não-autorizados, uso e compartilhamento.

Além disso, o Data Protecto protege os seus dados consistentemente em Modo Seguro, roda em Modo Stealth para prevenir a sua detecção nos computadores e permite a proteção de inúmeros arquivos e pastas.

Principais recursos:

  • Criptografia de arquivos;
  • Armazenamento Seguro na Nuvem e Compartilhamento de Arquivos;
  • Proteção de Pastas e Arquivos através de senhas;
  • Criptografia USB;
  • Carteira Digital;
  • Gerenciador de Senhas;
  • Shredder de Arquivos;
  • Transforme os seus arquivos em documentos de somente leitura;
  • Torne os seus arquivos impossíveis de ser excluídos.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8 (x32/x64)

Publicado por:

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

15.2 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Log in to your system and web browsers using fingerprint management.
Developed by Kaspersky Lab
The standard anti-malware solution for Windows.
Recover lost or forgotten passwords for RAR files.

Comentáriosrios do Data Protecto 2.1.2

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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.

A company without name and address. Claims to be the :

"World's best data security software".

I have a serious problem :

The company claims among many others things :

"Best Android App Developer 2013" by "Protech Award" -> google results in no hits, except the company statement.


"Software of the Year Award 2013" "Softwares unlimited" -> google results in no hits, except the statement itself...

Testimonial :

"Roy Haley" Data Security Analyst -> google does not give an answer, who is "Roy Haley"

The company itself :

Data Protecto is backed by XCloud Systems, the world's leading Software Company

When I entered the main key, the software contacted in this moment the I-Net...

Okay, everybody know best, whom to trust. Back to the software itself :

After entering my main key, the software says, that I am logged in on a secure cloud as

Google "" does not produce a result...

The link to the cloud leads to In my case with Firefox and disabled NoScript, this page does not show up.

In the settings they want me to update my credit card information!!!

Do you really think, I would ever....

By signing up, I would get a cloud space of 500 MB.

A nice interface, you can encrypt files or folders, you can use a wallet - and you can give your confidential information to... whom???

I would never used a closed software for encryption sensible data from a company, where the claimed statements lead to the nirvana.

Uninstalled vi reboot. Use it on your own risk ;-)

Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+300)

Another company whose website claims numbers of reviews and awards, but doesn't actually have any links to the sites that reviewed the software, or gave it an award. They claim it's "Recommended by all media outlets", and amongst the logos, there's one for BBC Technology News. I did a search on the BBC site for both "dataprotecto" and "data protecto", and got nothing; "Search Term Not Found". I don't like people who make misleading or false claims, so I'll give this one a miss.

Ghenghis McCann  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+130)

Doing a pretty good job of masking its identity, hiding its address, obscuring its online provenance, obfuscating its contact channels and fictionalising its awards, reviews and user base, today's developer certainly protects its own interests extremely well even if there's no definitive evidence that it has ever protected anyone else's.

Neither I nor anyone else I know has ever heard of the "World's Number 1 Software Company", X Cloud Systems. Neither I nor anyone else I know has ever heard of "Data Protecto", the world's leading data encryption and security software. Neither I nor anyone else I know has ever heard of Aaron Denton, purveyor of Public Relations puffery on behalf of this oh-so secretive yet paradoxically world-renowned company, puffery as explicit and unambiguous as this:

Data Protecto, the world's leading data encryption and security software, is pleased to announce over 6 million downloads of its zero-cost software on CNET. This Data Protecto is the world’s best file encryption software for computers which also features the most Secure Online Cloud Storage Service with Encrypted File Sharing.

Wow. That's some going, Aaron. A question though: how come the world's leading "zero cost" software -- in other words, freeware -- is being punted on here today at $30??

How come Boeing is using your outfit for cloud storage when Boeing's servers are some of the biggest in the world with at least 500,000 times your capacity?

How come you're the best Android App Developer of 2013 when, er, you don't produce anything at all on Android? (By the way, who're Protech and why did they give you this award?)

And how come those that made you Data Centric's Best Android Developer of 2013 are all in prison?? According to you, they formed a penal of reviewers -- so were they let out to present you with the award at a ceremony that, of course, is still secret because everything this developer is, is . . . Secret?

So many questions. Too many questions, in fact, because this looks nothing like any giveaway promotion I've ever seen.

Instead, the amount of time and money that has gone into its set-up makes it look exactly like a behavioural research project undertaken by some US university or other to see how gullible people can be when snake oil is pitched at them by salesman in snazzy clothes with a smooth yarn to spin. Are today's Internet users more savvy than their ancestors? Is a sucker still being born every minute . . ? Or are computer users nowadays alert enough to dismiss fictions, fantasies, and downright lies when such pop up on their collective radar??

Thanks for the fun,GOTD, but really, today's academic research exercise has missed its April 1st date by a considerable margin. As for the world's most famous software company and the world's most famous software product, we-ell . . . Here's to the day when you're the most famous in the entire galaxy: can't be long, can it?

MikeR  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+89)

I also think this giveaway looks fishy...
They do have a very nice webpage and the download counter ticks away indicating a lot of people must be downloading the program.

I opened a second window with This pages counter also ticks away. But this counter is more than 200 downloads off, indicating this is not the real counter but just a timed counter.

They claim to have more than +6.9 million downloads but the version at has only been downloaded 1.589 times.

I also have a hard time finding any real reviews or anything about real world rewards given to them. In fact it is very hard finding any information about this company claiming to have "millions of satisfied users".

All in all, I guess I'm not downloading... :o/

JB  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+78)

The level of security offered by encrypting using compression programs, say zip or rar, is more than sufficient for most of our needs and they offer one great advantage, they are not going to disappear leaving you with data you cannot retrieve.
Many moons ago, no many decades ago I was left with a mass of files encrypted using a proprietary system, a system no longer available leaving my files unreachable.
So bear the above in mind before your entrust your data to programs such as today's.

XP-Man  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+66)

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