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Coolmuster PDF Converter Pro 2.1.23 Giveaway
$ 39.95

Giveaway of the day — Coolmuster PDF Converter Pro 2.1.23

Converta seus arquivos PDF para edição.
$ 39.95 EXPIRADO
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Coolmuster PDF Converter Pro 2.1.23 esteve disponível como oferta em 17 de junho de 2022

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.95 / month
grátis hoje
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Quer editar seus arquivos PDF sem o Adobe Acrobat Pro profissional? Você pode experimentar o Coolmuster PDF Converter Pro para converter arquivos PDF em 7 formatos diferentes para editar e compartilhar como quiser. * Exporte PDF para Word, ePub, Texto, Imagens, HTML, Excel, PPT, etc. * Converta até 200 arquivos PDF de uma só vez. * Converta um PDF de 200 páginas em 1 minuto, super rápido. * A janela de visualização integrada permite visualizar e definir intervalos de páginas antes da conversão.

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10/ 11 (x32/x64)

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

19.1 MB

Licence details:

1 Year


$ 39.95

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Microsoft
Open, modify, convert, sign, and secure your PDFs.
Model BPMN processes and create flowcharts to efficiently manage your.
Developed by Tracker Software Products Ltd

Comentáriosrios do Coolmuster PDF Converter Pro 2.1.23

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Melhores comentários em inglês

Incredible! Downloaded and installed, registered without a hitch, tried a 1 page pdf to Word (docx), and it converted it instantly and perfectly, proper formatting and all.

I next tried it on a 45 page PDF "product manual" which had varying page widths, pictures, and other miscellaneous symbols in it, again converting it to Word. It took about 30 seconds. The result had a few formatting problems, caused I suspect, by the varying page widths, but overall it was very good. The whole thing was quite readable, and I could edit the docx file.

Next I tried a 4 page pdf "letter" and the result was unreadable garbage. Don't know what went wrong. My next trial was an 8 page pdf with coloured pictures and text created from the internet. The resulting docx was perfect even to the page placement, 8 pages in, 8 pages out. Finally, a two page "newsletter" with variable coloured shading and 2 different width columns per page. Again almost perfect with just a couple of lines running outside of their boundaries.

Overall, I have to say I'm impressed.

Thank you Coolmuster Team.

Springy  –  2 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+15)


I forgot to say, my one criticism is that the output destination that I nominated won't stay put. When I close and reopen the program it has gone back to the default output folder.

Springy  –  2 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+10)

Tried to convert one page from pdf to PowerPoint. The page was complex, and the software handled it (80%-90%) well. I was satisfied with the result. Thanks!

Suh  –  2 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+6)

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