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Color Picker Pro Giveaway
19.99 euro

Giveaway of the day — Color Picker Pro

Quickly pick colours from anywhere on your desktop.
19.99 euro EXPIRADO
avaliação do usuário: 538 1 comentários

Color Picker Pro esteve disponível como oferta em 13 de novembro de 2008

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Recupere arquivos perdidos ou excluídos e repare fotos/vídeos danificados!

Diplodock Color Picker Pro is a professional tool that will let you pick one or several colors anywhere on your screen with a single mouse click. Featuring 2 capture modes, interactive zoom tool that magnifies portions of the screen, 20+ color formats (HTML, VC++, Visual Basic, etc.), 10+ color spaces (HSB, CMYK, XYZ, Lab, etc.), and 15+ color variations (Inversion, Complement, etc.), Color Picker Pro is the most advanced tool of its kind.


  • You can use Color Picker's output directly, without having to convert it to the needed format, as it features more than 20 built-in formats: Hex, HTML, VC++, Visual Basic, Photoshop, and much more!
  • Next to the original color, Color Picker Pro can display its variation. It comes with more than 15 built-in variations: Inversion, Complement, Desaturation, and much more!
  • Color Picker Pro supports more than 10 color spaces including: RGB, HSL, HSB, CMYK, XYZ, Lab, and more!
  • Color Picker Pro features an interactive zoom tool that lets you see a real-size and enlarged part of the screen side-by-side so you can quickly pinpoint the color (pixel) that you want to capture.
  • Color Picker Pro lets you pick colors from anywhere on screen, including from highly dynamic graphical content, such as animations!
  • Color Picker Pro features two color capture modes: Drag, which will let you pick colors as long as mouse button is pressed, and Mouse-Free, which will let you pick colors as you just move the mouse pointer over the screen.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Pentium I or greater; 32 MB RAM; Windows Vista/XP/Me/98/2 003/2000/NT4; 8 MB Disk Space; 640x480, 256 colors

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

265 KB


19.99 euro

GIVEAWAY download basket

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