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Clipà.Vu  Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Clipà.Vu

Economize seu tempo utilizando um smart extensão da área de Transferência do Windows!
avaliação do usuário: 97 Deixe um comentário

Clipà.Vu esteve disponível como oferta em 9 de janeiro de 2017

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Get professional-looking results in minutes.

Economize seu tempo utilizando um smart extensão da área de Transferência do Windows. Clipà.Vu dá a você tudo que você esperaria de um clássico gerente da área de transferência, mas não parar por aqui... Você também tem a opção de sincronizar e compartilhar seus clipes em todos os seus PCs (disponível nesta oferta) e dispositivos móveis (disponível Q3 2017) em um privado, seguro e criptografado maneira.

Principais características:

  • Opcional cloud sync em todos os seus PCs;
  • Opcional sincronizar com seus dispositivos Android ou iOS (Q3 2017);
  • Até 10.000 história clipes, 1.000 favoritos, 1.000 imagens;
  • A pesquisa avançada e filtragem;
  • Comutação rápida entre ricos e texto sem formatação;
  • A criptografia de dados;
  • Smart teclas de atalho;
  • E muitos mais...
    • Vídeo de introdução:

      The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)

Publicado por:


Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

6.47 MB



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Here is Jan, the creator of this software. I will be happy to assist you in any issues or question that might pop up – either here or on email address.


Jan  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+49)

Hi ouialaraison,

Thank you for your questions. Here are the answers:

1) Yes, definitely yes, the cloud sync across PCs is included in today's giveaway.
2) Yes, you will use the same activation data on all your PCs
3) Yes and no. The Android version will be for free but will by default sync only first 10 clips. If you will need more then there will be some smaller fee, not decided yet how much. However with this giveaway you get for free all new PC versions withing the next year.

PS: Yesterday we realized a smaller bug with images sync. It is fixed already but not in the published version. So please do not be scared if your images seem not to sync correctly - you will be informed about new version available automatically within a week or so.

Jan  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

Hi Jan, thank you for being present here.

I have 3 questions:

1/ When you say "You also get the option to sync and share your clips across all your PCs (available in this giveaway)" does that really mean that this "option" is available for free in this giveaway?

2/ If yes, to share/sync my clips between several PCs, do I have to install/activate the giveaway on each one?

3/ When you say in your registration tutorial (link in the readme text file) "You are getting for free not only this version but also all the updates published within the next 365 days", does that include the syncing with Android expected in the third quarter of 2017?

ouialaraison  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+21)

Very clumsy. I prefer CLCL.

Majo  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-10)

Hi Majo,

Fair enough, point taken. Our philosophy is not to try to copy any existing solutions so I personally hardly ever install any other clipboard manager. That could be an disadvantage and partly wrong approach of course. I would be very happy if you elaborate bit more on the word 'clumsy' - preferably on If any chance we can make it less 'clumsy' we will certainly try ;-)

All the best

Jan  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+17)

Hello Jan.
I don't usually install software that sucks users into annual repayments, but as you allow lifetime use of installed versions, and don't charge a fortune for updates, I decided to give ClipaVu a try. :-)

1. The GOAD blurb states "The program is available for $7.77..." but when installed, it shows the "Free" banner. I could have easily downloaded the free version from your website. Wasn't this giveaway meant to be the desktop version?

2. I have a few comments/suggestions.
a) Your website is stunning, but I find the ClipaVu desktop display rather cluttered at the top.
b) When I expanded the current clipboard entry I automatically clicked the "X" to close it (I can see now there is also a little left-pointing arrow) and was surprised to find the entry cleared. There is a trash can icon clearly visible, is it also useful/necessary to use the "X" to clear the content?


Colin  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+5)

Hi Colin,

Thank you for giving it a chance :-)

We do not 'suck' annual repayments. The version you normally buy (today you get for free) you can use lifetime long. Plus all the versions implemented the next calendar year. During that year we implement new features and you decide whether you are happy with your old app or whether you want to buy that new functionality. You compare whether that new functionality is 7.77 worth - which by itself is not a fortune... I think this is a very fair model. You can read more here

1) Free version is limited version. So yes if you only install from our web site, you will get the same app but with a limited functionality. By entering the activation data you get the full version. Sorry if this is not absolutely intuitive...

2a) Yes, we consider changes. Please drop a mail to where you elaborate on 'cluttered'

2b) "X" stands for clean / delete, trash icon for deletion of your whole collection. A good point! This is not intuitive. We will consider using the same or at least similar icons there.

Many thanks for inspiring comments.


Jan  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+16)

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