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Audiobook Downloader Pro Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Audiobook Downloader Pro

Audiobook Downloader Pro é um rápido e conveniente gerenciador de download de livros de áudio gratuitos dos catálogos da LibriVox e do Internet Archive.
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Audiobook Downloader Pro esteve disponível como oferta em 5 de dezembro de 2010

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$15.90 / month
grátis hoje
Fácil o suficiente para capturar sua tela!

Audiobook Downloader Pro é um rápido e conveniente gerenciador de download de livros de áudio gratuitos dos catálogos da LibriVox e do Internet Archive. Ele permite que você efetivamente encontre um livro de áudio em que você esteja interessado e rapidamente fazer o download usando a técnica de multiparte e multileitura.

With the help of this program you can anytime pause downloading files, and then resume these downloads when you will need it. You are also able to read a book summary by using the Open Audiobook Page feature.

O Audiobook Downloader Pro pode ser integrado com o Angel's Vox audiobook player. Ou você pode simplesmente reproduzir livros de áudio usando um player de mídia padrão associado a ele. O recurso de auto-atualização irá lhe garantir acesso ao recursos mais recentes disponíveis e livros de áudio.

Se você preferir a versão portátil, siga o link aqui (tamanho do arquivo: 9.30 MB)

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

5.57 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Comentáriosrios do Audiobook Downloader Pro

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The Good
* Straightforward and easy to use.
* Allows users to download multiple audiobooks at once.
* Allows users to access the audiobook webpage for each audiobook.
* Allows users to easily play audiobooks after they have been downloaded, either using Angel's Vox audiobook player or the default player on the computer.
* Allows users to pause/resume downloads.
* Has a portable version.

The Bad
* Doesn't provide any value-added services: Users can just visit the Internet Archives audio catalog or Librivox grab their audiobooks just as easily.
* Doesn't allow users to download audiobooks in parts/sections/chapters.
* The download menus have a slight lag in appearing when they are called.

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+105)

Audiobook Downloader Pro is a brilliant application – with its clean, easy to use interface, users will get familiar with using the program instantly. By linking to, a provider of free audiobooks in the public domain, Audiobook Downloader Pro searches and brings up results instantly. Downloading audiobooks is a snap, with the ability to choose from various formats, and if you want more details, you can always open up the audiobook webpage. Some users may not like the audiobooks available – but all of them are free anyway. Overall, it’s a great program and has the potential to be even better in updates ahead.

-Clean, straightforward, easy to use interface, customizable (to an extent)
-Searches extremely quickly, with search suggestions
-Provides multiple formats for downloading
-Provides a link to the audiobook page at
-Pause, play, and open the folder of a downloaded audiobook
-Audiobooks are completely free!

-No proper download manager (each download is a separate window)
-Book selection may not interest all users
-List could be more organized (with columns)

The full review for Audiobook Downloader Pro can be found here.

Brian  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+69)

UPD 12/09/2010: Congratulations to the winners of the idea contest, Jose Jacob and Ingo Roth! They will receive the personal license for Audiobook Downloader Pro, that includes technical support, and future updates and bug fixes for free. And thanks a lot to all the people who contributed their ideas for the project!

Dear users, this is a quick start guide for Audiobook Downloader Pro:

1. Download and install the program, then run it.
2. Activate it with the supplied serial code. Please note that you need to input the entire licensee string (Giveaway) exactly as it is stated, INCLUDING the text in parentheses.
3. On the main window, type-in a search query into the corresponding field, then hit "Enter". The search string may be a book name, author, or a language name (for instance: "Christmas", "Conan Doyle", or "German").
4. You can access an audiobook summary by selecting a search result item, and then calling the File -> Open Audiobook Page menu command.
5. Download an audiobook (File -> Download Audiobook), then listen and enjoy it!

If you will like the program, please consider purchasing it. This December only, when buying Audiobook Downloader Pro, you will also get a personal license for the Angel's Vox audiobook player for free.

Wish you happy holidays and a prosperous 2011!

SuperUtils Software  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+64)

I have downloaded books and selections from LibriVox over the years for myself, children and blind mother-in-law. LibriVox recordings are variable. This is a voluntary service, after all! Most I've downloaded are good. I think the software should be considered on it's usefulness, not on whether you like LibriVox.

1. If you know the author or word from a title, it is a very quick search engine that is faster and more comprehensive than going to the website and entering your search request from there.

2. If you click on the 'Open the Audio Book page' - first icon on the app window, you will be taken to the associated LibriVox page. From there, you can download, listen to files, read intro info from LibriVox and download any CD covers they have made. The search list will give you all the alternative renditions of the book you are searching for, so you can choose, after listening to samples, what you want to download.

Con: Yes, each download is in it's own window, but if you only use the program for it's convenient search and retrieve capabilities if you are downloading more than one title, you can download from your favourite dl mgr from the web pages.

It is a keeper for me.

Sasha  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+44)

The software is quick to install and easy to use.

While the books on offer may not be to everyone's taste (you're not going to find a recent New York Times bestseller on a free download) there is a wide selection of classic and philosophical work. Authors include Austen, Bronte, Clausewitz, Dickens, Doyle, Kipling, Milne, Nietzsche, Plato, Shakespeare, Verne and Voltaire plus there are a number of short story collections to whet the appetite.

Downloads can be made in mp3 or ogg vorbis format and mp3 downloads convert easily into mp4 simply using iTunes, so putting audiobooks onto an iPod is easy.

This is a very useful piece of software and while it may be easy to pigeonhole its appeal to users such as students (why read a book when you can listen to it?) there is something for almost everyone here.

The only area I can see for improvement would be the ability to see new books as they become available rather than looking through the whole list, but overall I rate this piece of software very highly.

Wreford-Brown  –  14 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+35)

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