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Audio Speed Changer Pro 1.2 esteve disponível como oferta em 2 de outubro de 2010
O Audio Speed Changer Pro permite que você acelere arquivos de áudio sem modificar o tom. Ele foi criado primariamente para acelerar tanto audio books quanto podcasts, mas também pode ser usado com qualquer outra faixa de áudio ou arquivo. O recurso de processamento em série e a sua conveniente interface de usuário fazem do Audio Speed Changer Pro uma valiosa ferramenta para ouvintes de livros e autores que desejam economizar tempo.
Com a ajuda deste programa você pode sintonizar diferentes ritmos, tons e até taxas de reprodução para arquivos separados da lista. Você também pode usá-lo para transcodificar áudio - configurar output para formatos de arquivo MP3, OGG e AAC/MP4. O áudio convertido estará disponível para a áudição acelerada no seu PC, Smartphone, iPod e qualquer outro dispositivo portátil de MP3.
Opções extras incluem edição de tags, downmixing para a opção mono e a habilidade de normalizar o volume. O Audio Speed Changer Pro suporta a função de arrastar e soltar e pode ser integrado ao Windows Explorer para o acesso mais rápido às suas principais funções.
Windows 2000 up to Windows 7, including x64 editions; Intel Pentium II or AMD-K6 300 megahertz (MHz) processor; 10 MB of RAM; 2 MB of HD space
2.18 MB
Você pod ganhar um desconto de 20% ao adquirir uma licença individual do Audio Speed Changer Pro: use o cupom do GOTD ao fazer o pedido. Esta oferta é válida até o dia 05 de Outubro.
Angel's Vox é o primeiro reprodutor de aúdio e leitor de e-book do mercado desenhado especificamente para entusiastas de audio-books. O Angel's Vox é uma solução esperta e inovadora! Com a ajuda do Angel's Vox, você pode manter uma biblioteca contendo os seus audio-books. Você pode configurar um nível diferente de volume e velocidade de playback para cada um, e suas configurações serão restauradas quando você as tocar novamente.
ExifCleaner permite que você remova tags individuais de Exif ou seus dados Exif completos. Isto protege a sua privacidade, ajuda você a esconder informações não necessárias ou não desejadas - sobre a imagem, o fotógrafo ou a localização .
Audio Speed Changer Pro has a great, easy to use interface for newbies and advanced users alike. It does a great job adjusting the tempo, pitch, and playback rate of audio files, and the real-time preview is extremely convenient - matching the result almost perfectly. However, some users may be frustrated by the lack of output codecs or conversion time, and may encounter some issues when adjusting to extreme levels. Small issues aside, Audio Speed Changer Pro really makes a great program for people who listen to audio books or podcasts.
-Clean, easy to use interface with drag-and-drop support
-Tempo changer can adjust tempo without adjusting pitch
-Pitch changer adjusts pitch nicely
-Playback rate adjustment works as expected
-Real time preview is very helpful
-Accepts MP3, OGG, WAV and AAC/MP4/M4A/M4B as input formats
-Customizable output format, including codec, bitrate, and sample rate
-Output is high quality and matches the original quite nicely
-Includes small, but extra features such as tag editor, playlist creation and volume normalization
-Only supports MP3, OGG, M4A as output
-Takes a while to convert, especially larger audio books or podcasts - may not be suitable for owners of older computers
-Creates a "choppy" effect when adjusting to extreme levels
-Has limited usefulness (More adjustment features can help expand the program to the audience for music listeners)
Full review of Audio Speed Changer Pro
Hello all:
My name is Brian Cui. I've been a GOTD user for about two years now. The author of today's giveaway has asked me to review their software, in which I gladly did. A lot of you are used to reviews by Ashraf, but he's been busy as far as I know, so for today I've taken the torch and have written a full review on the program. Thanks, and enjoy!
Dear users, please note that for activating you need to input the entire licensee string (Giveaway) exactly as it is stated, INCLUDING the text in parentheses.
If you are interested in example of using the program, check out this free audio book: Faster Audio Book: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
This is one very good single purpose program. I play a guitar (poorly) and have trouble learning fast guitar pieces. This program slows them down so I can hear whats going on and play along with the section of music I'm having trouble with. The pitch does not alter at all, just the tempo. You can also adjust the pitch and play back rate if you want to but I haven't tried that yet.
I think it's a really good simple to use program.
Installed fine for me on W7 x64. I had my doubts about this software at first, but as it turns out I think it's a keeper! I'll definitely burn through audiobooks a little quicker now than before, and in speeding up the tempo it doesn't make them any harder to listen to. I'm actually a bit disappointed now that I only have to mow my lawn a couple more times or so for the next several months, haha(OK, not really).
This is very easy and intuitive to use, the interface is very clean, and it's quick to load. The only complaint I have in that department is that it doesn't seem to allow you to drag-n-drop your files into it which is often my preferred method of doing these things.
On my mobile 2.53 C2D I was able to transcode one CD of an audiobook in less than two minutes, while making good use of both of my cores. Not too shabby.
This is obviously going to have limited appeal, but if you listen to audiobooks I'd definitely recommend to check it out. Who knows how much time I might have saved listening to the Shutter Island audiobook had I been able to speed up the painfully slow narrator.
Hello everybody,
Readme with the registration data for Audio Speed Changer Pro Portable version has been updated. Please re-download.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
GOTD team
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