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Audials One 8 Standard Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Audials One 8 Standard

Encontre, grave, faça o download, converta e desfrute de músicas, filmes, vídeos e rádios na Internet.
avaliação do usuário: 762 2 comentários

Audials One 8 Standard esteve disponível como oferta em 1 de abril de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Um removedor de fundo profissional!

Encontre, grave, faça o download, converta e desfrute de músicas, filmes, vídeos e rádios na Internet: o Audials One lhe proporciona toda a mídia que você quiser, gratuitamente e no formato correto.

O Audials One lhe abastece de música sempre que você quiser. Insira qualquer gênero musical, artista, álbum ou título e o Audials One encontra a sua música em segundos. Seja ao fazer o download direto de um site da Internet ou gravando de uma das incontáveis rádios disponíveis online, o Audials One sabe exatamente aonde procurar a música que você procura, além de ser estar totalmente munido com a tecnologia necessária para encontrá-la - independente da fonte.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 7/ Vista/ XP at least SP2

Publicado por:

RapidSolution Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

73.7 MB



Comentáriosrios do Audials One 8 Standard

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Esta versão Standart já vem sendo distribuida gratuitamente há muito tempo,se fosse a platinum seria um grande negocio.

Responder   |   Francisco  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)

Looks nice, but it says it is an evaluation version and asks for a license code to upgrade.

Responder   |   mike  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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number 3 commenter, Michael. Recording streamed music falls under the same type of "fair use" as using a tape recorder on the radio, or DVR-ing your favorite TV shows. Not illegal, so long as you don't redistribute or sell your recorded media

Jack S.  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+99)

Also note that they provide a very informative Forum packed with a lot of useful info such as this.

Currently, we know about incompatibility of these apps with windows media drm:

- AnyDVD (AnyDVDtray.exe, AnyDVD.exe, ADvdDiscHlp64.exe)
- Display Fusion (DisplayFusion.exe)
- Logitech Mouse and Keyboard Settings (SetPoint.exe)
- Spyware Doctor (see solution 2 below)
- Bitdefender (Solution: Use Gamemode)
- ZoneAlarm
- Trend Micro Anti-Spam (tmas_oehook.dll)
- F-Secure 2010 Internet-Suite
- Unlocker
- Objectdock

This might explain the 'Hangs' that some of you are experiencing.

The Forum can be found here.

Thankd to GAOTD for the opportunity to try this software.

rizla01  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+83)

Hi., This is a special "Standard" version created for this giveaway, which is US 39,90 far from the normal, usual version. The cost of "Upgrade" is US 39,90 ! to get the usual version. (This is not the full US 59.90 version as mentioned ! Today,s giveaway is swindle ! Thanks GOTD and Rapid Solution Software !

Jozsef  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+77)

Stay away! Whatever I do, it doesn't works:
1. Tried to convert DVD, but it said that this feature doesn't works on XP...
2. Tried to capture video from the screen. After many messages about addition software needs to be installed and connecting to the internet, it installed 12 (!!!) audio-devices, now my sound system doesn't works!!! Then crashed after starting recording.
3. It always connects to Internet, I'm tired to configure my firewall!
4. Trie to build Wishlist, and appeared that need to pay for upgrade, cause I'm using too simple version. Hey!!! Isn't it free?

I'm uninstalling it!

Volodymyr Frytskyy  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+76)

I went to the homepage of Audiodials ( Wanted to see what the "upgrade" would offer. I was suprised to find that there is not a "standard" edition for sale nor a "premium" edition, just Audiodials One 8.

So this offer is for a dumbed down or lite version which isn't even available outside this offer. Anyone actually using the version they bought off the site shouldn't give their opinion of the software because we aren't using the same features. Like using MS Word and commenting on Notepad.

I installed on USB, but Audials decided I wanted an Icon on my desktop without asking. Since it was on USB I didn't get that, the assumption should be I would use it on various computers so a desktop Icon would be superflous. Not a big deal, but weird.

I use which is a shell you can use to control multiple portable apps. Audials decided I need SIX icons in that menu. That is a problem, not huge, but it clogs up the menu, not all the icons launch the program, and it is a pain to try and manually test / delete appropriate icons.

So I try some features of this lite version. First "Search". Put in an artist and it come back with dozens of albums. But wait, I can't listen to any of the songs, the "record" button is greyed out, can't down load, and other features just say "not available without upgrade".

Next I try "Wish". It tells me its restricted in this version. Not great but okay, I can only get partial use in exchange for free, alright. I follow the direction, select and artist, search, pick some songs, and Wish. Next I try to "Fulfill", which would be to either find and play or download those songs. CAN'T DO ! That feature not available in this edition. Makes wishing completely useless. I could upload my library for others to use. Thanks but no thanks.

Next I try Capture. Right away it wants to download and install two unknown and unexplained "compenents". The "component" for screen recording then decides its okay to make changes to my desktop registry. WHAT? I installed on a thumb drive, why are you messing with my registry? What happens if I put the thumb into a different computer? I can't record from Internet media because I can't use the feature to get internet media so that is useless. The screen recording feature for recording video immediately causes an error with my Nvida software. I was just trying it out and not interested, but it concerns me that it created a conflict.

Podcast feature seemed to work okay, but there are tons of free Podcast players / recorders without 100 megs of extra features that are locked unless I upgrade, cause conflicts, or mess with my registry when I put them on thumb. Check out Juice or any of the others.

Converter - useless. The DRM stripper is not available without upgrade, Audiobooks feature not available without upgrade, and the DVD recorder is not available for Windows XP.

Internet Radio seemed okay, but at this point I was done. It may have issues, but even if it works, again, you can get a lightweight free app without all the extra crud, no mysterious registry installs, no constant reminders to upgrade.

Free is not worth it for this feature set. It's like a free car where the engine, wheels, seats, and doors are extra, but try out that trunk!

John G  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+74)

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