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Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro 2.1.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro 2.1.1

Uma excelente escolha para gravar qualquer atividade de tela como vídeo em alta qualidade.
avaliação do usuário: 226 1 comentários

Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro 2.1.1 esteve disponível como oferta em 20 de fevereiro de 2016

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
$14.95 / month
grátis hoje
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Simples, mas poderoso, o Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro é uma excelente escolha para gravar qualquer atividade de tela como vídeo em alta qualidade. Ele captura a tela juntamente com o áudio do sistema de som, microfone ou ambos, e os salva em diversos formatos de vídeo (MP4, WMV, FLV, AVI, etc.) e GIF. Além de gravar a tela manualmente, ele fornece até um agendador de tarefas para capturar automaticamente na sua ausência. Além disso, alguns recursos útieis também foram adicionados a este programa de screencast, incluindo gravador iOS, editor avançado de vídeos e a capacidade de mover a área de gravação enquanto faz o screencast.

Recursos principais:

  • Captura a tela em diversos modos de gravação;
  • Grava a tela com áudio em alta qualidade;
  • Faz edição em tempo real enquanto grava;
  • Move a área de gravação enquanto captura;
  • Envia as gravações para o YouTube e FTP;
  • Agenda tarefas de gravação;
  • Screenshot de qualquer coisa exibida na tela;
  • Suporta vários monitores;
  • Converte and edita arquivos de vídeo;

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10

Publicado por:

Apowersoft Ltd

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

19 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Developed by VSO Software
Developed by Online Media Technologies Ltd.
Developed by Web Solution Mart

Comentáriosrios do Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro 2.1.1

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It continues to indicate that it is a trial version, even after I had run the activate.exe file twice, and restarted the program, Also, the video has a watermark, as was mentioned for the trial version!

In another answer you mention a keycode, necessary for registration. I didn't received a keycode! And the readme.txt makes no mention to a keycode.

So, am I going to uninstall the program in 2/3 days? I hope not.

Responder   |   Margarida Silva  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro Support

Hello, everyone!

On behalf of the tech support of Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your interest in Apowersoft Screen Recorder. For better facilitating your experience in using this program, we specially write this post to offer some details user guides, video demo and other tips. And if you have any suggestions for further improvement of this product or problems in using today's giveaway product, you can write down your comments here or send us feedback via the way that mentioned below.

Note: Please follow the instructions of Giveawayoftheday to install Screen Recorder Pro on your computer. Once it's installed, you only need to enter in key code and activate the program within 24 hours. When you've already completed the software activation but it still reminds you to register, you can shut down the software first, then run the activation file and restart the software to try once again.If it still fails to work, you can feel free to send email to our support email:

User Guide:

Video demo:

Screen Recorder Feedback Support
Should you have any problems or suggestions about our product, please feel free to send us your feedback by clicking "Help" menu on the main interface of the screen recorder and selecting "Support" from the menu. Then you can write down details of your suggestions or problems.

Jane  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+14)

Just about every program checks if it is registered only when it is first opened; therefore the program should be closed and reopened after being registered either by serial or an activate EXE.

Installed today's in the following manner; ran setup did not let it open at the end, instead went to the activate EXE ran that and then allowed it to open.
This way it opens as registered which can be seen under Help, About.

A recent giveaway seems to have affected my ability to record from the screen in many programs and so my tests today are purely on usability.

Today's is not the easiest program I have used finding it a bit clunky because when defining a region the overlay is not transparent regarding mouse clicks.
This meant I had to plan a sequence of events make sure I recorded the correct area.

If you don't have a good screen capture program it is worth downloading.

XP-Man  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+13)

Activated fine under Windows 7 64, but error 2401 keeps popping up when I attempt to play recorded video; same result after four attempts using different recording parameters. Although advertised as "simple", this is not the case for me. Other programs record and play output "out of the box" with no tweaking required. Uninstalling program now.

DR Swindle  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+13)

I had to post again after trying this software out! I typically record a lot of training and other webinars, and I usually use Camtasia, not that I'm going to ever edit my recordings, I just already can record using Camtasia. The PROBLEM with Camtasia is that recording is a two-step process. First you record in a Camtasia format, them you must "process" that recording into a more usable format - like mp4. That is great IF you are going to edit the video after recording! The PROBLEM with that is it takes a Very Long Time to convert formats, especially if the webinar lasts an hour +.

Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro 2.1.1 records in popular formats (again like mp4, etc.) THE FIRST TIME! In other words, when you stop recording the recording is ready to view (or upload, whatever) in the format you chose before you started recording! In other words, NO SECOND STEP! I did a test on a YouTube video and it recorded great!

There are lots of options available - some you should probably check and test before you record anything, like "audio," to choose playback audio options (speakers, headphones, etc.), Also the format you want to save your videos in - default is mp4, and what file you want the saved recording to go in.

IMO this is a delightful screen recording program with enough options to be useful - no steep learning curve like Camtasia. If you do any type of screen recording you should try this! Thanks Apowersoft and GOTD! This is a keeper for me.

BTW, I closed the program after install, THEN ran "activate.exe - Installed easily and successfully on Win 7x64, and I didn't find an auto-update feature.

Good luck all!

Powder_Skier  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+10)

How can I get the activation code? I couldn't find it on this page!
Would anyone help me out please?

Milanista  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (-3)

You dont need the activation code. Just close the window. The application is registered for you when you run active.exe Hope this helps.

Ann  –  8 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+9)

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