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Anti Tracks 7 esteve disponível como oferta em 6 de setembro de 2010
O Anti Tracks é a sua solução completa para proteger a sua privacidade, dados sensíveis, identidade online e manter a integridade do seu computador!
O Anti Tracks lhe fornece as ferramentas que lhe ajudam a apagar os seus browsers com segurança e rastros do Windows e dos seus aplicativos, bloquear os seus arquivos, esconder os seus arquivos importantes dentro de imagens e arquivos de áudio, limpar a lixeira do seu PC de arquivos obsoletos e duplicados e muito mais! Com estas ferramentas você pode ficar tranquilo que o seu computador estará seguro, protegido e com performance máxima!
Não é da conta de ninguém o que há dentro do seu computador. E o Anti Tracks mantem isso assim!
Limitações: Esta versão não inclui o recurso IP Concealer.
Windows 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7
4.00 MB
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Pretty average, and $35 is way too expensive. Glary Utilities, free, pretty does everything this tool can do, and more. CCleaner also has better history erasing tools.
The one good word I have to put in for it is the plugin section, which allows you to clear the history of programs besides your web browser and Windows--it is possible through this to clear Adobe Illustrator's history, if you have it installed.
The lack of a registry clean or defrag, and the fact many tools simply link to the appropriate Windows function, make this a disappointment.
Use Glary Utilities and CCleaner, both free, instead.
> Limitation: this version does not include IP Concealer feature.
If it doesn't conceal the IP, it's not really protecting my privacy at the most basic internet level.
What it seems to offer is protection from snoops in your home or office, which is of course another form of privacy. But not one I need, or can be bothered to perform these baroque arabesques to achieve.
Thanks but no thanks.
98% of home computers use dynamic IP adresses. Applications cannot hide or disguise your IP unless you have a Static IP address. So people that are miffed that this app won't hide your IP need not be upset as it would not have helped anyway. For home users w/ Dynamic IP addresses (which is most of us) the ony way to hide your IP from a site is to use an 'anonymous proxy' which means you go to one anonymous proxy site and enter the address you want to go to, then your IP address is shown as the anonymous proxy site's IP address.
There are thousands of anonymous proxys out there. That's how kids beat their schools firewalls and access sites they shouldn't. So many anonymous proxys come and go all the time it's impossible for the schools to keep their black list up to date of all the anonymous proxy sites. Just put 'anonymous proxy' in your favorite search engine and you will find tons of them.
PS - To get a static IP address, you need special permission from your ISP which is like getting a business phone number.
Blue screened my computer after install.
CNET rates it 5 stars out of 5 (Excellent)
* Excerpt from CNET editors' review: "By all means, Anti Tracks is one of the current best bets for anyone who needs a capable way to protect a PC's privacy." (Note: It was reviewed by the CNET Staff on November 07, 2008)
* Average user rating: 3.5 stars out of 5 (79 votes) rates it 4 stars out of 5 (Very Good)
Note: The version reviewed was Anti Tracks 7.3.1
Note: There are a lot of screenshots of the Anti Tracks program on this page.
SOFTPEDIA'S The Good, The Bad and The Truth (Hey,they stole this format from Ashraf! *hehe*):
* The GoodAnti Tracks comes with a well-designed interface that is easy to handle by novices and expert users alike. It is a suite with extended functionality that, besides its area of expertise in eliminating web browsing and computer usage traces, also covers obsolete files deletion, free space sanitizing, restricting access to information, finding duplicates, secure erasing and broken shortcuts cleaner. It is dependable with almost all the tasks that are laid out and moves at a reasonable pace (took about 15 minutes to go through 14GB of data in search of duplicates).
* The BadIt seems this version is not yet ready for the upcoming Office 2010 suite, as it did not affect the current beta we faced it against at all. IP Concealer does not work in all the countries.It would be nice to have some protection over the settings of other web browsers, not just Internet Explorer. On the same note, automatic detection of installed browsers would ease users’ configuration efforts a lot.
* The TruthAnti Tracks performed very well during our testing proving stability and reliability. It comes with minor flaws, which can be easily overlooked. The price remains the biggest drawback, as $34.95 is a lot of money, even for Anti Tracks’ capabilities. rates it 4 stars out of 5 (Very Good)
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Mais um programa que faz, simplesmente, TUDO que pode ser feito pelo próprio Windows, ou seja, não há necessidade alguma de se usar isso... de se encher o PC de programas inúteis.
Obrigado, mas dispenso...
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