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Aml Maple 3.49 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Aml Maple 3.49

Aml Maple is the keyboard layout indicator for Windows.
avaliação do usuário: 245 1 comentários

Aml Maple 3.49 esteve disponível como oferta em 11 de novembro de 2013

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
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Converta áudio em texto.

Aml Maple é o indicador de layout de teclado para o Windows. O Aml Maple lhe dá uma nova perspectiva em indicadores de teclado: simples, moderno e flexível. O Aml Maple indica o layout de teclado em uso (o idioma em que você está digitando neste exato momento). Ele está sempre na sua frente, exatamente no lugar onde você está digitando!

O seu uso é muito simples. Por exemplo, você pode configurar o cursor vermelho para Inglês e o cursor azul para Português (ou qualquer outro). Uma vez modificado o layout do idioma, a cor do cursor será mudado de acordo.


  • Fácil de localizar - é só procurar no local onde você digita ou pelo cursor do mouse;
  • Fácil e compreender — o layout pode ser identificado por símbolos ou um ícone da bandeira do país;
  • Fácil de usar — o indicador é compatível com a maior parte dos programas: tanto do Windows quanto do console;
  • Fácil de configurar — 8 idiomas de interface, layouts em 30 idiomas.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000/ XP/ 7/ Vista/ 8

Publicado por:

G&G Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

10.4 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.
Developed by 3DP

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Bom dia. Após a instalação, o programa não aceita a chave de registro fornecido por Giveawayoftheday. The file keydata not found.

Responder   |   Wilson  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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Dudes, when the blurb is confusing as in this case, why not try the software yourselves, instead of asking others what's about?

Can't understand why you are so lazy...

If you are scared to make changes to your registry use "Toolwiz Time Freeze" for testing it in a virtual environment!

In short it's indicator for the currently used keyboard layout gives you an indication of a text's language instantly.

As GAOTD it's OK and pretty much handy when for instance you wonder what kind of language you stumbled upon when you reach a webpage written in a different language than yours (in fact whenever you click on the language it shows you a small abbreviation for it).

Useful only for those who often need to switch their keyboard layout between multiple languages (for instance people who know more than one language).

If you know just one language (English) and need only the English keyboard layout, this GAOTD is obviously totally useless.

THUMBS UP from me!

Giovanni  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+117)

#1: You may not realize this, but your computer's keyboard layout is customizable. Windows has a bunch of different built-in layouts, optimized for different languages that use different symbols. In addition, the English keyboard can be rearranged; there is the Dvorak layout, which puts all the vowels on the home row under the left hand, and there are also specialized right- and left-handed layouts for one-handed typists.

Once you enable alternate layouts, Windows makes it easy to switch between them. So a two-handed typist could share a computer with a one-handed typist, for example. But if you start typing on a machine that is set to an unexpected layout, gobbledygook may come out. This can be especially frustrating when typing into password fields.

All this program does is provide an in-your-face indicator right at the typing cursor to tell you which language your keyboard is set to, so you know what you are about to type. In contrast, Windows provides a more unobtrusive indicator that sits in the System Tray.

Personally, I think the System Tray indicator is sufficient, and I have no desire to clutter up my typing area with such an indicator. And although I haven't downloaded the program to test it, their website seems to indicate that this program only recognizes different language keyboards, not different layouts within the English language, like the Dvorak and one-handed layouts mentioned above. If that is true, then it really limits the program's usefulness.

On the other hand, this program looks rather unusual; I bet that Giovanni will have a really hard time coming up with his list of FREE alternatives!

Bub  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+104)

A possibly interesting program if only the developer could explain why it was developed: is it an auto-translator?

The GOTD description is baffling, as is a persistent confusion over the word "layout", the word "configuration", and the word "language". I thought the developer's website might bring more clarity, but the September 4th announcement of this software on the user forum has been met with total silence.

Sorry, GOTD, and sorry, Aml Pages, but this is just a bit too baffling for my tired brain to bother with.

MikeR  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+83)

I'm in translation work.
I need to type in two languages in same lines.
I'm supposed to always have an idea which keyboard is active.
For some reasons I often get lost and start typing in the other keyboard and scream $%^%$&^8!!.
"It is always in front of you, exactly at the place you are typing!" is so right, I wonder why I did not see this idea anywhere.
Keep going developer and thank you.

Jack Amano  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+62)

# 6. Bub

^_^ .... you got it right...LOL!

For the first time in history no FREE alternatives todays...don't know any (I won't be able to sleep tonight...LOL!)!

Any help please?

Giovanni  –  10 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+62)

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