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AllMyNotes Organizer Portable Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — AllMyNotes Organizer Portable

AllMyNotes Organizer visa gerenciar grandes volumes de informação aleatória, organizá-la em uma hieraquia flexível, restringir o acesso a elas através de uma senha e, mais importante - navegar e pesquisar rapidamente.
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AllMyNotes Organizer Portable esteve disponível como oferta em 14 de setembro de 2011

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Recupere arquivos perdidos ou excluídos e repare fotos/vídeos danificados!

AllMyNotes Organizer visa gerenciar grandes volumes de informação aleatória, organizá-la em uma hieraquia flexível, restringir o acesso a elas através de uma senha e, mais importante - navegar e pesquisar rapidamente.

O AllMyNotes oferece um conceito alternativo de gerenciamento de dados bastante simples. Ele lhe fornece ferramentas simples (notas, tabelas, alarmes, caixas de checagem, etc.) e você pode guardar a sua informação da forma que quiser! Chega de limites, campos estritamente definidos, sinta o conceito e comece a construir a sua informação pedaço por pedaço.

Principais recursos:

  • Organização hierárquica das suas informações aleatórias (modo árvore).
  • Recursos de edição de rich text.
  • Busca rápida da Global Search em tempop real.
  • Modo avançado de armazenamento de dados (suporte a arquivos de 4Gb, muito rápido, criptografia 1800-bits).
  • Alarmes (pode ser inserido em qualquer posição).
  • Gerador de Senha Embutido.
  • Ligue para telefones ao clicar duas vezes (Skype, ou qualquer outro aplicativo de voip).
  • Importe/exporte de/para (html, rtf, knt, txt, gif, png, bmp, jpeg, e alguns outros).
  • Uma edição gratuita está disponível para acesso/edição de dados no PC onde a edição Deluxe não está instalada.
  • Traduzido para 20 idiomas.
  • mais recursos

Nota: a licença é linkada ao disco em que ele é inicializado pela primeira vez (ativado), em caso de mudança de disco ela não irá funcionar, graças a isso a licença pode funcionar em diversos computadores mesmo reinstalando-se o sistema.

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7, including all server versions

Publicado por:

Vladonai Software

Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

5.12 MB



Comentáriosrios do AllMyNotes Organizer Portable

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Melhores comentários em inglês

    Dear Giveawayoftheday user,

    Today we are giving out the latest version of AllMyNotes Organizer Portable for Giveawayoftheday users. Hope you’ll like it - AllMyNotes is very useful for storing random information - notes, diaries, ideas, access codes, passwords, alarms, urls, phones, random thoughts, tables, quotes... whatever you like, data can be encrypted using password so even if you have it on USB with you and, may God forbid, USB is lost you can feel safe about your data - nobody can access it. We've designed nice interface for it, so it will also please your eye, giving you joy among daily routine. Love what you are doing!

    Portable version requires no installation, just unpack it to any folder, and launch allmynotes.exe from there, as simple as that. Just make sure to do it during the giveaway period, to make your license installed properly. Portable license can survive even system reinstallation. There is only one important thing about it – it's linked to the disk where it was activated, make sure to do not change disk label and folder, in case you did it, simply change it back if the license will stop working.

    As we are giving out Portable version for free today, we have a special offer for you - for a VERY limited time (48 hours only) you can buy AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe Edition Desktop/Portable with exceptional 71% discount!!! Purchased version has additional advantages - it allows upgrades, suits for commercial use, can be installed on your Desktop, and, afterall, simply to support our hard work, the price is so low! Hope we deserve this reward from you :)
    Best Regards,
    Vladonai Software Team

Volodymyr Frytskyy (developer)  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+124)

@#2, local storage is a "buggy whip"??? Depending upon another to safely store your information is a statement too naive to be taken seriously.

IMHO this is perhaps not the best of the tree-type organizers but it is good enough if you don't have anything else and it *is* better than most freeware alternatives (sad that such is noteworthy, isn't it?).

Its interface seems unnecessarily complicated compared to Treepad -- the granddaddy of this space -- or my personal preference, C-Organizer Pro. On the plus side is its encryption abilities so you don't have to maintain your data file on a Truecrypt disk.

If you need an organizer this is definitely worthwhile to try

Herr Black  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+51)

to #3: Note: Portable includes all features of Deluxe edition. Plus, Portable version requires no installation, thanks to which it be launched on other computers, it has pretty smart handling for cases when drive letter changes – all paths and external file links are still working even if your drive letter changed, say from C: to E:, also can survive system reinstallation, which is good for GOTD users.

Volodymyr Frytskyy (developer)  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+43)

to #5: Yes, you can install it in many folders on your PC and USB devices. To make sure that your license is installed properly, there should be gotd467.key file in each folder where Portable is installed.

Note: the license is linked to disk label and installation path, so after this GOTD make sure to do not move installed apps to other folders/disks, make sure to do it now, before GOTD ends today.

Volodymyr Frytskyy (developer)  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+38)

I have been using this since last time it was on GAOTD. Actually I like this software. It is handy for those who work most on computers and have a lot to note down. Onenote is different as it will let you create a notebook. But Onenote will not organise it. The organising feature is the most exciting in this software. And the portable version is lot more compact. I will probably buy the desktop version tomorrow.

SaikatXO  –  13 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+29)

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