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Advanced SystemCare PRO 7 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Advanced SystemCare PRO 7

Advanced SystemCare 7 is designed to provide an ultimate solution to enhance the speed of slow PCs and keep them running at best performance.
avaliação do usuário: 574 1 comentários

Advanced SystemCare PRO 7 esteve disponível como oferta em 6 de janeiro de 2014

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
O backup mais simples do mundo para proteger dados insubstituíveis!

Um experiente utilitário de reparo de registros e limpeza, o Advanced SystemCare 5 faz o seu PC rodar em seu melhor desempenho. Ameaças de lentidão, conglemento, crash e de segurança chegaram ao fim. O Advanced SystemCare 5 é um programa abrangente que em apenas um clique ajuda a proteger, reparar e otimizar o seu computador.

Ele limpa. repara registros e faz o PC rodar como se fosse novo com o "Turbo Boost", uma tecnologia avançada em otimizar PCs.

Esta versão do GOTD inclui uma assinatura de 6 meses. Você pode economizar 80% para ter o suporte para 3 PCs e ainda ganhar mais 3 presentes incríveis caso você adquira o Advanced SystemCare 7 hoje!

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP; 300 MHz processor or faster; 256 MB of RAM; 30 MB of free hard disk space

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Tamanho do arquivo:

40.9 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.

Comentáriosrios do Advanced SystemCare PRO 7

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Responder   |   Samuel Monteiro  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (0)
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6 months only for a super saturated field like this? Come on...

I've been using these 3 FREE tools for a year now and my laptop works like a charm:

Besides that, there is another FREE product coming from the same company as GAOTD, which works pretty well:

See also:

And obviously (Portable) PRIVAZER to clean more deeply the Windows registry and any other leftover trace hiddenly located in the HD of your system:


My 2 cents for today's giveaway.....

Giovanni (==> very dangerous man..augh, au  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+163)

I have to warn you all, this program in its previous version was the reason to format my Windows 8 PC.
I used Registry Cleaner >.< and it destroyed Windows Store so bad that I wasn't be able to repair it no matter what utilities and advices I found from Microsoft and a lot other sites. I wont install it ever again, sorry to tell you that. If you are not absolutely SURE about what are you going to "clean", DONT clean it. (This goes both to users and the programmers)
Not to mention that I had backed up the changes it did in order to restore them in case I needed to... Neither restore made my Windows store work again.

But, I use Smart Defrag. This one is very good. And it detects SSD disks others don't.

Constantine  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+142)

Iobit's continuing fall from grace accelerates with ridiculous "offers" such as this: as XP Man says at post #7 (and as he has rightly said in recent threads about Iobit offerings), this developer seems to have gone into the software rental business. Not software sales.

A 6-month "license" for any software product is no kind of license at all. And today's touting of a $30 value when it self evidently can't be more than $15 is plain dumb: prospective users might just as well download a one-month free trial instead of acquiring something whose time-crippled status might easily be forgotten by the time of expiry date.

Iobit has been told repeatedly that its licensing tactics -- unique in the global software industry -- are unacceptable. But it carries on regardless, presumably thinking there are enough suckers out there who don't know that every market sector in which Iobit competes is absolutely stuffed full with as good, or even better, rival commercial products on standard licensing terms (i.e., one year or even, life time) or by freeware which trounces the lot.

Today's example is typical: the marketplace is over-run with so-called optimizers, all of which are potentially disastrous because they're a one-fit-suits-all diagnostic despite the fact that no two home computers are ever going to be the same. Software such as this is written with what the developer *thinks* is the user's most likely configuration, but when that configuration varies in any way then there's a distinct likelihood of goodbye, computer.

In truth, there's nowadays little if any need of "optimization" software such as this: home PCs are faster and better specc'd than ever they were in the days of Win98 and XP; the era of needing to extract the very last microsecond of speed by way of software manipulation instead of hardware enhancement is long gone.

That said, there'll probably still be a few people out there who think this kind of stuff is worth trying. Ironically, they're very often the ones who know so little about computing -- backing up the registry: "how d'you do that then?" Windows Restore: "but I don't understand why it no longer works?" -- that they shouldn't be within a country mile of Advanced System Care Pro or anything like it. But if they do wish to explore and experiment, there's plenty of freeware of this nature to try. . . and plenty of Internet forums to join afterwards, asking for help to fix a busted computer.

Thanks then, GOTD, but no thanks. As to IObit: isn't it about time you people got real? At this rate, it'll be Iobit itself which has an expiry date six months from now. . .

MikeR  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+91)

*Has multiple different tools to clean and optimize your system, including junk file cleaner, privacy cleaner, register cleaner, disk defrag, registry defrag, and malware remover
*Privacy cleaner can normally clean or clean securely using DoD 5220.22-M
*Creates automatic backups to allow you to undo changes you make
*Fairly fast
*Can generate a portable version of the program

*Some tools shown in Advanced SystemCare are actually other IObit programs you must download separately, like IObit Smart Defrag, IObit Uninstaller, IObit Malware Fighter, IObit Unlocker, and IObit Game Booster
*Comes bundled with IObit Apps Toolbar — be sure to “Decline” during installation to avoid (NOTE: This may or may not be with GOTD version, I’m not sure)

Free Alternatives</strong
EaseUS CleanGenius
Baidu PC Faster

Free Alternatives
Click here for final verdict and full review

Ashraf  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+86)

Generally in this type of program the quality of the individual components is difficult to assess as you rarely see reviews of each individually.
On the other hand when the individual components are programs in their own right reviews are much simpler to find, hence I do not use bundled system tools.

This company appears to think that annual rental of their programs should cost the same as you used to be able to buy it for, thank God car manufacturers don't think the same.

XP-Man  –  11 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+64)

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