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abylon BASIC esteve disponível como oferta em 9 de março de 2010
Easy CRYPT- and ZIP-Collection para assinar, criptografar, comprimir e copiar!
A segurança de dados sensíveis é constantemente negligenciada. Somente a criptografação pode fornecer proteção total dos arquivos do seu computador ou e-mail. O abylon BASIC é uma coleção para criptografar, assinar, comprimir, buscar, copiar ou mover os seus arquivos e pastas.
Todos os módulos se integram completamente no menu de contexto do File Explorer. Com a tecnologia Easy Encryption (EEnTe), somente alguns passos são necessários para proteger os seus arquivos. Portanto o sistema secreto SYMM-System e o certificado X.509 são suportados.
Windows 2000 to Windows 7
16.3 MB
Gerenciador de senhas fácil de usar para dados sensíveis e administração de senhas. Banco online, contas de e-mails e credenciais de logon do Windows são apenas alguns exemplos de senhas. Você consegue decorar todas as suas senhas? O abylon KEYSAFE é um gerenciador de senhas que permite que você cuide de todas as suas senhas.
Proteja seus dados com facilidade. Dados não criptografados são um alvo fácil para pessoas não-autorizadas. abylon CRYPTDRIVE oferece um meio simples de proteger seus documentos, videos, fotos e programas ao criar um softaware criptografado, usando padrões de algorítmos internacionais como AES (256 bit) ou Blowfish (448 bit).
Single Sign-On para Windows e aplicativos como cartão de memória, USB ou CD. Para todos nós a quantidade de senhas para acessar sites aumenta a cada dia, e cada vez são mais dificeis de lembrar. O software abylon LOGON SSO Pro oferece um suporte útil, com segurança. O usuário terá que fazer o login apenas uma vez para ter acesso a todas as suas crdenciais armazenadas.
Criação de Certificados-X.509 auto-assinados. Esta ferramenta cria certificados-teste X.509 auto-assinados para uso privado. É muito simples de usar e você pode usar este certificado para criptografar seus dados.
Segurança profissional e soluções de criptografia. A proteção do seu computador e dos dados armazenados contra acessos indesejáveis se torna a cada dia mais importante. Este pacote completo de software oferece segurança profissional e inovadora e módulos de criptogração para uso privado ou de negócios.
Comentáriosrios do abylon BASIC
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Todays software focuses on security encryption with compressed files. However, if only you work with zip files, and not password protection of them , then this software is not for you. I tried a couple of the features associated with the software and they seem to work for the most part. File security is a big concern in todays market , and this does the trick. However, there are too many tools here to play with, and some may prefer the simplicity of a freeware called TrueCrypt, which is an open source encryption software.
One thing I cannot stress enough however is the backup of security keys. Should you have to format your computer some files can be rendered unusable!
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You forgot business people, real estate, teachers, professors, principles, those-who-travel-a lot, and probably a few other types of people who need it.
Technically, your wrong about your statement James Smoksweedingswerth. :)
Though, it depends. Just because this program is not for people like us who uses the computer for general uses, doesn't meant this program is completely useless. Other people might need it too. :)
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This vendor has offered previous products which I wasn't interested in, but I wanted to evaluate abylon BASIC. Unfortunately, there were numerous problems with the installer. After installation and first-run, I had to kill the process. Vista x32 automatically applied a compatibility fix. It still didn't work, even running as an administrator, so I reinstalled as an administrator, which was probably necessary. It keeps trying to load a 64-bit DLL on a 32-bit OS, so I can't evaluate it.
This isn't a toy, it actually has a fair number of features. Abylonsoft has the requisite free reader, so the encrypted files can be accessed without purchasing abylon BASIC. People will complain about "trap doors" in proprietary software, but that's not a problem. Abylonsoft uses public algorithms, so theoretically you could verify whether the software works correctly, but that can be problematic. Not only do you have to know the algorithm, but the file format, and how keys are handled (Abylonsoft indicates some proprietary handling). Apart from those things, it's the details which determine how good security software is, and the details can generally only be ascertained in open-source software. The open-source products which are typically mentioned are AxCrypt and TrueCrypt.
FYI: Raxco ticked me off. I participated in the PerfectDisk 11 beta, which was non-functional. I posted around a dozen bug reports, which they dismissed as duplicates, and shipped a product with almost no changes from the non-functional beta. I actually tried Diskeeper 2010, despite bad experiences years ago. Diskeeper remains a total disaster. I'm going to check O&O Defrag 12, they added features which are similar to PerfectDisk. I haven't seen any free defragmenters which are complete and support VSS.
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@ James Smoksweedingswerth
Pls speak for yourself.
Not everybody use computers for games.
Other people NEED encryption.
An example is a stolen notebook or even PC with valuable data.
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@ post 7, abylon:
I don't know if you're posting as the developer of this software. Or if someone else is trying to play at being silly beggars to embarrass you.
Either way, your post is incorrect.
TrueCrypt lets you keep invisible drives, invisible folders, and invisible files. It's your choice. You can have dozens of 'em if you wish, all discrete, and all with primary or primary + secondary level protection according to choice.
I do wish people would stop passing daft remarks about TrueCrypt. Doesn't take 10 minutes to read the TrueCrypt tutorial to realise just how remarkable this freeware is and why it continues to be the first choice of millions of users worldwide.
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