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BackupSF Light 2.7.4 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — BackupSF Light 2.7.4

BackupSF - faça o backup dos seus websites para um PC local.
avaliação do usuário: 182 Deixe um comentário

BackupSF Light 2.7.4 esteve disponível como oferta em 6 de maio de 2012

Giveaway of the Day de Hoje
grátis hoje
Cast a real-time screen with audio from iPhone and Android to a nearby PC.

BackupSF é uma ferramenta de backup de websites. Ele faz o backup de arquivos via ftp e MySql database (é necessário fazer o upload de alguns scripts).


  • Backup de arquivos do site via FTP e MySql database;
  • Restauração fácil dos dados a partir da cópia do backup;
  • Interface super simples;
  • Manual detalhado, ajuda e suporte instantâneo;
  • Faça o backup de dados do seu hard drive para a nuvem!

Requisitos do Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 on the local computer; PHP support on the remote server for MySql backups

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Página Oficial:

Tamanho do arquivo:

6.07 MB



Comentáriosrios do BackupSF Light 2.7.4

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Melhores comentários em inglês

Unlimited number of websites in the PRO version.
This is BackupSF Light 2.7.4, does that mean you only get the limit of 5 websites to backup and 5 MySql databases like the trial version.

Dave  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+72)

If you have websites with mysql databases this is right up your ally, i backup my databases with this and set the output destination folder to my skydrive folder for easy syncing to my skydrive backup.

Thomas  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+71)

I gave today giveaway thumbs down.
Not that it was a bad software.
I have sites so I like it, but, I MUST expand the entire treeview for it to mark all folders, when I press mark the threeline.

This is a major DOWN.

Micke  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+56)

LOL!! I got the PRO version of this GEM a few days ago on another website.... and honestly it's a shame to see that this site is used by developers to give away only the basic or light version of their program, as a trick to induce us to buy their full commercial program!

So, unless you own just 5 websites, today's giveaway is totally useless (==> not much different than a simple TRIAL)!!!

As best FREE alternative I recommend using an excellent tool called "XCLONER"!!


It comes as a stand-alone app, as a Joomla component and as a WordPress plugin.

All your generated BACKUPS can be moved, copied and restored.

Key features:

· Backup and restore any PHP/MySQL website
· Create custom backups (full or partial backups)
· Generate automatic backups based on cronjobs
· Restore your backups anywhere
· Share custom backups with clients
· Store you backups on the Amazon S3 cloud
· Backend available languages: Spanish, Dutch, German, English
· Incremental MySQL backup supporting large databases
· Incremental file system scanning and backup supporting large websites
· Backup Split option for environments with limited filesize
· JQuery Start UI
· Incremental files restore supporting large backups
· Create full or partial backups based on your input
· Create simple or compressed backups based on your configuration input
· Possibility to exclude directory and files from the backup, manually or through cron settings(AJAX powered)
· Create backups based on a cron task, created backups can be stored on the local server, remotely through ftp or emailed
· Delete backups older than a certain number of days
· Ability to manage existing backups, rename/delete/move, publish to user frontend for sharing
· Possibility to clone any backup to another location, it can be done automatically by using the server functions or manually
· Configuration area lets you choose on how to generate backups based on your server possibilities
· Can choose to create backups by using only PHP, or by also using some server utilities to speed things up
· Store the generated backup locally, through email or a remote ftp location
· Send the generated backup to the Amazon S3 cloud service
· The generated clone of XCloner can be restored on a totally different server, with new server and mysql details
· Full Restore of a clone made by XCloner through simple and compressed archives
· Ability to restore the original files and directories permissions, as well as multiple clones to different locations, by using either a ftp simulated sessions, or direct restore through php
· Possibility to exclude database from importing

Download this FREE amazing GEM here:


They want you to pay for their support only.....but's not necessary....LOL!

Full tutorial: (PDF manual)

And if you own one or more WP websites/blogs, to back them up you can also use one of these excellent FREE WP plugins:


Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+38)

#5- This isn't for Windows uses, but for those people who have their own website, eg, blog uses, etc, who use Wordpress. For these users, it is very common for their site to become hacked. Backing up a website is quite easy, although very manual. Backing up the MySQL database is a bit trickier, although can be done.
So, its only useful for webmasters and people that have their own website, and nothing really for Windows users or general users.

Chris Locke  –  12 years ago  –  Você achou esse comentário útil? sim | não (+31)

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